The Affiliate Marketing technique that DID NOT work for me!

Jun 28, 2023
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the word nope in cursive font

There is a popular marketing strategy I was taught that just didn't work for me.

One of the many courses I purchased on Affiliate Marketing said that the main way to get engagement on your videos and build an audience of potential consumers was to copy the trending videos in the same niche as you. This is precisely why you see a million people copying the same tik-toks saying Here's a Side Hustle for the Broke and Lazy Part 33.

What you don't see in those videos is those tik-tokers actually succeeding at any of those side hustles.

Are some of them interesting? Absolutely. I actually do intend to publish some sort of low content crossword puzzle book on Amazon KDP at some point, just to learn how. But I absolutely cannot, in good faith, make content about something I know nothing about. And the claims, oh the claims- Make $1k a day selling your Canva template on etsy... yikes.

My advice- consume the content, but use good judgement. Many of these side hustles do actually work. But to stay authentic to my audience, I have no business teaching a skill or making a promise for financial freedom that I can't deliver.

I'm trying out something new. The main side-hustle that I know inside and out. The one that regularly brings me money every month. That is the side hustle I can talk about.

Moment of transparency. That is also the main course I am promoting to you. You know what that means... I'm an affiliate for that program. Don't be shocked! If you purchase this course, I get a commission. That is how all of this works.

So how does that affect my new tactic- my new plan is simply to share my successes. All of the skills I learned to do this are from The Simple Profit System. It's a great program and I love the Facebook community too. Super supportive, passionate folks.

I share this because I believe in the program, I see value in the training, and since I am not a teacher it is only fair that the brilliant Travis Stephenson who created the course gets the credit and rewards he deserves.

I also share this because learning this skill has made a significant impact on my life. Yes, it's bringing in some extra money, but it's also awakened new creativity inside of me and challenged me to have more of a presence online. I have gained confidence speaking on camera and upped my skills in video production. It has provided me with a platform to be a resource for others and in some small way I truly believe that being visible as a Gay man in this world of digital marketing adds to the strength of the LGBTQ community.

There are so many opportunities that I let pass me by because I was afraid I sounded too gay, or I was too fat, or I didn't think I was hot enough. My new strength comes from the realization that there are other folks out there who might feel the same way I do. If one person, can find some empowerment by seeing me in this space then my job is done.

It doesn't matter to me if you are gay or not. Social media is a place where we can view the world through rose-colored filters. There's nothing wrong with slapping on an AI enhancement now and then, I know I do, but my biggest hope is that we can continue to connect and find success together.

Love to all of you,


Check out some of my other blog posts:

Ryan's Journey with online Side Hustles

The Power of Visibility: Unleashing the Potential of LGBTQ Community through Affiliate Marketing